O nama
Inspirisani načinom na koji tehnologija postaje sve važniji činilac u načinu na koji živimo i radimo, 2000. godine stvorili smo tehnološku kompaniju koja počiva na jednostavnoj filozofiji – pomaganje ljudima na putu ka uspehu – ljudima sa kojima radimo, ljudima sa kojima sarađujemo i ljudima koji koriste aplikacije i sisteme koje kreiramo, dizajniramo i kojima upravljamo.
Nakon više od 22 godina iskustva u radu sa nekim od vodećih svetskih kompanija za finansije, osiguranje, telekomunikacije, medije, tehnologiju i maloprodaju, možemo da kažemo da je Endava postigla uspeh upravo zahvaljujući njima - sjajnim pojedincima koji rade kod nas. Njih je trenutno više od 12.000 u kancelarijama raspoređenim u 64 grada u 27 država sveta. Koristeći najnovije tehnologije, zajedno osmišljavamo I isporučujemo inovativna rešenja koja pomažu našim klijentima u procesu stalne digitalne transformacije poslovnih procesa.
U Srbiji smo prisutni od 2015. godine, kada smo priču o uspehu započeli u prestonici. Nekoliko godina kasnije, naš tim je značajno veći i decentralizovaniji, pa su Endavini stručnjaci raspoređeni u kancelarijama širom zemlje, u Beogradu, Novom Sadu, Kragujevcu, Čačku i Nišu.
WEBSITE: http://www.endava.com
Alati i tehnologije
- C#/.NET
- C++
- Java
- JavaScript
- Oracle
- Selenium Grid
- iOS
- Jenkins
- TestNG
- ApacheJMeter
- Appium
- Zephys
- DevOps
- Power BI
- Python
- Apache Spark
- Ruby
Kultura i vrednosti kompanije
Endava svoj uspeh duguje ljudima sa kojima radi.
On počiva na snažnoj kompanijskog kulturi u kojoj sve počinje od pojednca I ogleda se u našim vrednostima.
Endavljani su:
THOUGHTFUL - Duboko nam je stalo do uspeha naših ljudi, naših klijenata i njihovih organizacija i zemalja u kojima poslujemo
OPEN - Uvereni smo u svoje sposobnosti, svoj pristup i naše ljude tako da nemamo šta da krijemo od naših klijenata.
ADAPTABLE – Prihvatamo promene i razlike u vrednostima koje nam omogućavaju da budemo uspešni u složenim okruženjima.
SMART - Zapošljavamo pametne ljude koji kombinuju iskustvo i talenat kako bismo pružili pametnija rešenja za naše klijente.
TRUSTED – Naši odnosi su izgrađeni na poverenju i braku jednakih.
Benefiti zaposlenih
- Program za razvoj karijere
- Fleksibilno radno vreme
- Akcije kompanije
- Tehnički i Soft Skills treninzi
- Radionice i online platforme za učenje
- Međunarodne i domaće konferencije
- Časovi engleskog
- Privatno zdravstveno osiguranje
- Wellbeing program
- Termini za sport i rekreaciju
- Game room
- Biblioteka
Trenutno aktuelni projekti
With flexibility in mind, we design, build and operate the payments solutions that help your business remain competitive, improve speed to market and build loyalty through an effective customer experience.
Having both the industry expertise and the technical knowledge, we focus on developing and delivering the most effective user experiences, facilitating the adoption of the new technologies that are key to your business and its customers.
Through a deep understanding of cross-industry pressures, combined with applied Capital Markets functional experience and technical expertise, we support your business in meeting the demands of the industry, regulators and your customers.
We provide technology and digital advice to enable you to invest with confidence. By combining strategic and commercial understanding we are able to quickly identify risk and unlock opportunity in the private equity market.
By understanding the ever changing needs of your customers within the healthcare ecosystem we help you deliver the change, enhance the ability to stay compliant and be at the forefront of market trends, providing payers, providers and patients with effective and secure healthcare systems and platforms.
Having both the industry expertise and the technical knowledge, we focus on developing and delivering the most effective solutions that truly engage your customers and drive in-depth insight into risk profiling and customer behaviour.
We work closely with you to understand your challenges, the demands the market is making on your organisation and design, build, operate, and support the secure scalable, platforms that position you as a disruptor within the marketplace.
In order to address changing customer expectations, Telcos need to fundamentally shape the structure of future services. We advise and support telcos in creating delightful digital experiences and generating new revenue streams through digital transformation and new innovation models.
Keeping up with new technologies is always a challenge, no matter the industry. By combining technical expertise with the demands of the industry, we help companies make the most of their opportunities and strengths.
Through our work with some of the world’s leading media agencies and publishing companies, we’ve learned how to positively impact companies in the Media Industry and define digital transformation strategies for them. Using this knowledge, we design solutions that overcome the current challenges
and optimise the new opportunities.
We can help you achieve true mobility through our extensive experience in connected airline, automotive, transport and logistics industries which are going to need to work together to make the frictionless future a reality.