Victor Rentea

Trainer and Consultant
With 20 years of experience, Victor Rentea (@VictorRentea) is a Java Champion who dedicated his career to training and inspiring thousands of engineers in over 150 companies worldwide. Based on the lessons learned from the trenches, he gave many top-rated talks at conferences in Europe and online. You can meet Victor online at his monthly events for European Software Crafters, the world’s largest community on improving code quality.

Event - Driven Architectures

Time & Date:
June 5th & 6th | 9am-5pm CEST

Event-driven architectures can help build autonomous, scalable and fault-tolerant systems. However, like any architecture, it has distinctive features that can cause far-reaching complications if not understood well. Join this training to learn the main styles of Event-Driven Architectures, and the patterns and pitfalls of each.

This training is for:

Engineers speaking any programming language
Architects looking to debate tradeoffs of alternative design solutions

What you'll learn:

  • Decide whether an Event Driven Architecture is suitable for your system
  • Fundamental principles, patterns and pitfalls of EDA
  • Design a robust Event Driven system
  • Utilize CQRS and Event Sourcing when needed
  • Compare tools like RabbitMQ and Kafka

What to expect:

  • Explanations of complex topics with simple terms, analogies, and suggestive visuals.
  • Interactive teaching style, spiced with many debates.
  • Endless opportunities to discuss the issues of interest to you.
  • Application of the concepts via simple exercises(🛠️) in Java.
  • Many real world-examples and war stories.

Agenda (2 days):

  • Event-Driven Architecture Styles
  • Message-based vs REST Communication
  • Events vs Commands
  • Event Storming 🛠Exercise
  • Event modeling & metadata
  • Message Delivery Guarantees 🛠Exercise: Deduplication via Inbox Table
  • The Dual Write Problem 🛠Exercise: At-least-once sending via Outbox Table
  • Out-of-order Messages 🛠Exercise: Resequencer
  • Intro to Event-Streaming using KStream & KSQL 🛠️Exercise: Splitter & Aggregator


  • Kafka best practices and pitfalls 🛠️Exercise: preserve message order via partitioning
  • CQRS 🛠️Exercise: create a Read Projection
  • Data Consistency 🛠️Exercise: design a compensating transaction
  • Event-Sourcing: implementation patterns and pitfalls 🛠️Exercise: a simple example
  • Event Schema Migration 🛠️Exercise: Schema upcaster
  • Debugging, Auditing, Metrics, and Tracing
  • Migrating from REST to Event-Driven Architectures

* If you are interested in this topic, book your ticket for ITkonekt conference at the following LINK.