Deepu K Sasidharan

Senior Product Developer @XebiaLabs

Deepu K Sasidharan is the co-lead of JHipster. He has been part of the core JHipster team from its inception and is an active contributor to the project. He currently works for XebiaLabs, a DevOps software company, as a senior full-stack product developer. Prior to that, he worked at TCS as a technical consultant focusing on innovative solutions for Airlines. He has over 8 years of experience in architecture, design & implementation of enterprise web applications and pre-sales. He is also a JavaScript, Web technology, and UX Implementation expert. When not coding, he likes to read about Astronomy and Science.

TOPIC: Modern microservices with Istio service mesh and JHipster Domain Language on Kubernetes

Learn how to create a full-fledged microservice architecture with Istio service mesh and deploy it to Kubernetes using the JHipster platform.

We will create a microservice architecture with Istio for service discovery, monitoring, load balancing and much more. Microservices will be Spring Boot 2 powered and we will use Kubernetes to deploy it to Google cloud. We will also learn how to use Istio along with Jaeger, Grafana, Prometheus etc for monitoring and observability.

We will also learn about advanced features provided by Istio and JHipster for microservices