Victor Rentea

Java Champion, ex Lead Architect @IBM
Victor (@VictorRentea) is a Java Champion, and one of the top Technical Trainers, having trained more than 5000 developers in dozens of companies worldwide.
Victor’s talks are regularly top-rated at the largest international conferences in Europe: his live-coding sessions are lightning-fast but well crafted, full of enthusiasm, deep insights and take-away tips. His passion is Simple Design, Refactoring, and Unit Testing, about which he regularly talks at top conferences. His personal commitment is to seed passion for writing clean, professional code.

Workshop topic:
Spring Framework

Time & Date:
October 23th & 24th | 9am-5pm CEST


  • Core Topics 
    • Spring Overview: core features, strengths and weaknesses, best learning sources
    • Defining Beans: component-scanning, @Import, and @Bean
    • Dependency Injection
    • Externalizing Configuration Properties 
    • Spring Profiles – best practices
    • Bean Lifecycle @Scope: singleton, prototype, @RefreshScope, request, session, thread
    • Spring AOP (aka proxy⭐️): concepts, implementation, pitfalls, writing a custom @Aspect
    • Spring Boot version management 
  • Advanced Topics 
    • Multi-threading: Spring thread pools, @Async, and non-blocking REST APIs
    • @Scheduled
    • Caching: annotation and programmatic
    • @EventListener for framework or application events
    • Extending Spring: AutoConfiguration, BeanPostProcessor, Initializers, 
  • Transaction Management 
    • Database transaction, anomalies
    • @Transactional mechanics: propagation, rollbacks, read-only, after-tx hooks
    • Best-practices using Transactions
    • JPA integration: write-behind, auto-flushing, lazy-loading, and 1st level cache 
  • REST Endpoints
    • REST API design best practices
    • Request Validation
    • Handling errors with a global @RestControllerAdvice
    • Documenting a REST API
  • Observability
    • Spring Actuator, custom health checks, custom endpoints
    • Exposing metrics with Micrometer
  • Spring Security 
    • Spring Security Architecture, Custom Security Filters, Testing
    • Authentication via: User-Password login form, Basic/api-key, Preauth Headers, JWT Token 
    • Authorization: URL pattern vs annotations, role vs feature-based authorization, data-security
  • Testing 
    • Testing with DI: @Import, @MockBean, @Primary, profiles, test properties, @DirtiesContext
    • Testing with Persistence: in-memory DB, @Transactional tests, cleanup, @Sql, Testcontainers
    • Mocking external APIs with WireMock / MockServer; 
    • Testing with Queues
    • Testing your API: MockMvc, testing strategies, testing DSLs, Contract Freeze Approval Test
    • Exercise: refactoring from a mock-based test to an end-to-end system test
    • Tuning run time of integration tests

You can download the full program for this workshop at the following LINK.

* If you're interested in this program, please contact us at to find out more about availability and prices.